Privacy Policy


Skappel are committed to your right to privacy. This privacy notice contains information about how we process personal data about you. If you have additional questions or require more information about our processing activities, do not hesitate to contact us.


Who we are

The controller is Sister Act AS. In this Privacy Notice, Sister Act AS is referred to as “Skappel”, “we” or “us”.


Who we process personal data about

As part of our business activities, we process personal data about the following individuals:

  • Private customers
  • Contact persons at our business customers, suppliers and other business partners
  • Visitors of this website and our social media profiles
  • We do not knowingly collect personal data from children under the age of 13.

How do we use your personal data

The table below lists the personal data that we may typically collect about you, our typical sources for such data, and our legal basis for it.

Purpose Types of data Source Legal basis
To process online orders Name, e-mail address, phone number, residential address, and other purchase details (we do not process credit card details, as this is done by a third party) From you To perform contracts with you as customer
To manage customer accounts Name, e-mail address and password From you The legitimate interest in ensuring a faster purchasing process and a better customer experience
To market our products, including sending out newsletters and offers E-mail address and phone number From you Your consent, however we may also rely on our legitimate interest in marketing our products if we have an existing customer relationship with you or your business. You may at any time withdraw your consent and opt-out by using the unsubscribe feature or by contacting us.
To respond to requests submitted through our online contact form or chat Name, e-mail address and any personal information included in the description fields or attachments uploaded From you The legitimate interest in following-up on customer requests and other inquiries concerning our business
To deal with customer complaints and claims Name, e-mail address and any personal information included in the description fields or attachments uploaded From you To comply with our legal obligations under applicable purchase law and the legitimate interest in providing good customer service
To manage relationships with business customers, suppliers and other business partners Name, job position, e-mail address and phone number From you The legitimate interest in purchase, sale and business administration

We may also collect or receive other types of data if required to fulfill the purposes listed above.


On a case-by-case basis, we may also use your personal data for certain purposes that are not incompatible with the purpose for which the data was originally collected or received, such as audits, analytics, reporting, innovation, dispute resolution and mergers and acquisitions.


We do not make decisions with legal or similar effects that are fully automated (without human intervention), including profiling of you.


How we share your personal data

We may disclose your personal data with the following categories of recipients, to the extent necessary for the purposes mentioned above:

  • To our suppliers (such as suppliers of website and IT systems) for the purposes mentioned above. We will enter into agreements with relevant suppliers to ensure that they do not process the data for purposes other than as described in this privacy notice
  • To authorities and third parties if required by law
  • To our advisors and business partners to the extent required to operate our business in a manner common in our industry, which may also include third parties in connection with possible mergers or acquisitions of our business


How long do we keep your personal data

We keep your personal data as long as necessary for the purposes listed above. Some of the criteria that we use to determine when to delete your data are:

  • We store data for as long as required by law, such as storing transactional data about your purchases for five years pursuant to the Norwegian Bookkeeping Act
  • We store data based on your consent (such as for sending out newsletters and promotions) until you withdraw your consent (unsubscribe)
  • We store data about customers, suppliers, models, influencers and other business partners as long as we have a relationship or an ongoing dialogue with the person or business concerned. We may also need to store the data for further period, e.g. due to complaint and limitation periods
  • We store data received in relation to a recruitment process up to 6 months after the recruitment process is completed (but longer if you are hired). We may request the applicant’s consent to store the personal data for a longer period


Your privacy rights

You have several rights as regards the processing of your personal data. Such rights include:


Right Description
Information To receive further information on how we process your personal data
Access To receive a copy of the information we have on you
Rectification To request rectification and completion of the information we have on you
Erasure To request erasure of information if there are no applicable legal grounds for processing such information
Restriction To ask that we restrict the processing of your information
Data portability To ask that your information is transferred to you in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format
Objection To object to our processing of your personal data. You also have the right to object to being subject to a decision based solely on automated processing


Please note that these rights are subject to conditions and limitations by law. Please contact us if you would like to exercise your rights or if you would like more information about the conditions/limitations.


If you find that we use your personal data in violation of applicable law, you may file a complaint to the Norwegian data protection authority (Datatilsynet). We encourage you to contact us prior to making such complaint, so that we may consider your objection and clarify any misunderstandings.


Changes to this privacy notice

We may change this privacy notice from time to time when deemed necessary. We will notify you if we make significant changes. You will always find the latest version of our privacy notice on our website



If you visit our website, we place a cookie on your device. You will find more information about the use of cookies in our Cookie Policy.



Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions, comments or would like to exercise your rights, including the right to withdraw your consent. We will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible and typically within one month at the latest.


This Privacy Notice was last updated: 2024-04-15.